Date: Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:09 am
Subject: Re: (Singapore Sling) Rick article in the Topeka, Kansas Newspaper
Rick -
Well, you're all over the media! Like many others who have written, my husband Bob and I have been following every word of your emails. We keep talking about the experience you went through, and try to imagine the beautiful Patong beach
that we visited just two years ago in its current state. We've also both forwarded your incredible, intense accounts onto many friends, who have appreciated your accounting of what you experienced.
As I was driving into work Monday morning, flipping through the radio dial to try and get more of an update on the aftermath of the tsunami, the local NPR affiliate put out a request if anyone had any friends/family who had experienced
the events, they would like to be in touch with them. After we learned that you had been in Phuket (thank god you are okay, Rick!) I called the station and asked if they would like an email account of the experience. They said yes, so as you kept writing, I kept forwarding. And today, on the NPR show "Here and Now," they broadcast a summarized version of your account.
It's now available on-line -- of course everyone on this list has already seen your emails, but it's cool to hear it read on the radio program. And to know that you have now reached even more people with the broadcast and its internet
To listen go to:
You need Real Player to listen (or I think a few other players also work). It says the piece is 14 minutes, but they cover Rick's emails in the first 5. Also, I didn't
alert them to the North Platte coverage - somehow they found that link all by themselves!
Rick, thanks again for your intense accounts of what happened. You've made it seem less far away by sharing your experience.
-Lisa (Boston, MA USA)
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